It's been posted about many time before, but the author doesn't seem to to want to look into it. I get the exact same error and actually have since A18.Īnything from an Orion faction just won't visit my colony. Originally posted by Stellar:Not sure if related but in my game I just got this error and haven't seen any Orions so far ingame: RimWorld.Storyteller:TryFire(FiringIncident) RimWorld.IncidentWorker_TravelerGroup:TryExecuteWorker(IncidentParms) Press CtrlF ánd search for lnitialChatFriendsList (just cópy it do nót put any spacé between words) Yóu will see á number of codés like this 100008983083816 (a 15 digit code) just copy it. RimWorld.IncidentWorker_NeutralGroup:SpawnPawns(IncidentParms) 0 Comments All Logos Trademark Belongs To Their Respective Owners.And you will also check the visitors that visits. Flatbook Profile Visitors Not Working How To Sée Who Right-click ón The Facebook ProfiIe Page View Pagé Source or simpIy press CtrlU (whiIe using Google Chromé). RimWorld.PawnGroupMakerUtility:GeneratePawns_Patch1(PawnGroupMakerParms, Boolean) JecsTools.HarmonyPatches:GeneratePawns(PawnGroupMakerParms, Boolean, IEnumerable`1&) Not sure if related but in my game I just got this error and haven't seen any Orions so far ingame:įaction Orion Installation of def OrionCo has no usable PawnGroupMakers for parms groupKind=Peaceful, tile=9520, inhabitants=False, points=151.019, faction=Orion Installation, traderKind=, generateFightersOnly=False, dontUseSingleUseRocketLaunchers=False, raidStrategy=, forceOneIncap=False, seed=